The Lions next play Montpellier in France in the Challenge Cup on 11 January 2025, kickoff is at 19:30 |
Cheetahs Statement |
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Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1824 |
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Posted: 18-Nov-2020 at 6:22pm |
The Cheetahs have advocated for the final standings in the current local competition to serve as the defining factor in determining which four teams feature in the PRO16. ‘The Free State Cheetahs management are extremely thankful and appreciative of Toyota South Africa’s strong statement over the weekend that they are eager to continue their nine-year long sponsorship of the Free State Cheetahs,’ a statement read on Wednesday. ‘We also support them in their belief that the South African Rugby Union (SARU), should adopt the principle of playoffs to ensure that the best four SA teams participate in the PRO16 international competition. ‘Free State Cheetahs management can see no reason why the current Super Unlocked and Currie Cup competitions cannot be adopted to determine the teams to represent South Africa in next year’s PRO16. ‘If the Cheetahs don’t end up among the top four teams, so be it. At least fairness would prevail and ensure the continued development of the five major SA franchises. It would also deliver the best possible talent for supporters and Springbok selection. ‘We therefore salute Toyota’s solid support for the Cheetahs. They have made an invaluable contribution to rugby in the Free State and in South Africa, are a strong international brand and a progressive, solid, dependable partner. ‘Covid-19 has in the meantime disrupted the Super Unlocked series. The Lions’ games against the Cheetahs and Pumas were cancelled, as well as the game this weekend between the Sharks and Stormers. There is also a possibility that the Vodacom Bulls’ game, currently scheduled for Saturday, might be cancelled. ‘Should that be the case, the Bulls will end up as the first winners of the Super Unlocked trophy. We believe they are deserved winners, having lost only against the Cheetahs. ‘After last weekend’s unfortunate loss against the Stormers, the Cheetahs are currently fourth on the log and will stay there if we beat Griquas on Saturday. The cancellation of the match between the Stormers and Sharks is unfortunate, as it has ruled out the Cheetahs’ chance of moving up to third place on the log. ‘The cancellation means that the Sharks and Stormers will now both get two points, moving them to 19 points on the log, which is beyond the Cheetahs’ reach. ‘A win against Griquas, even without a bonus point, will ensure that we end up among the top four teams. This is by no means going to be a walk in the park. Griquas have advanced by leaps and bounds since the start of the competition and were extremely unlucky not to pull off a win against the Sharks last weekend. ‘The Cheetahs have everything to play for.’ |
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1824 |
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Ek persoonlik vind hierdie baie belaglik. Ons is twee keer belemmer deur Covid en hulle noem dit, maar neem dit nie in ag dat dit onregverdig is teen ons nie. Verder het hulle eers Maandag gekla oor hoe onregverdig dit sal wees indien die Bulle-Puma game sou voortgaan op n ander datum (dit het op daardie stadium gelyk of dit afgestel gaan word) omdat hulle penaliseer was deurdat hulle game teen ons nie gespeel kon word nie. Wat hulle nie daar genoem het nie, was dat hulle die span was wat nie dit iewers wou probeer inpas nie. Vir verdere info hieroor, lees hier: . Maar toe kom dit Maandag uit dat die Leeus die Cheetahs weer gekontak het (asook vir SARugby wie die go ahead gegee het) om die game te probeer in pas iewers. Toe kom hulle uit met die verskoning dat te veel tyd al verstryk het na daardie game, selfs met SARugby wat go ahead gee. Hulle het ook die verskoning gebruik dat die Leeus se 3 datums vir die game hulle nie gepas het nie. Hoekom het hulle dan nie n datum van hul eie gegee nie? Vir meer info oor die Cheetahs wat dit geweier het, lees hier: Nee man, hulle gedra hulle soos klomp kinders wat hul sin net moet kry.
Go LIONS!!!!!
Goue Leeu
Koning Leeu Joined: 18-Apr-2016 Status: Offline Points: 2219 |
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Hulle moet maar lekker huil... In al die jare van Super Rugby en Pro14 het die Cheetahs boggerol bereik nie... ek dink een Super Rugby Kwarteind en een Pro14 Kwarteind. Nou wil hulle een van die 4 wees op grond van 'n erg ontwrigte kompetisie in 'n pandemie jaar ?? Ag nee wat Cheetahs.. moenie 'n lot kinders wees nie.. vat wat na julle kant toe kom!! Dis presies wat julle verdien.
Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: KZN Status: Offline Points: 4954 |
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What a joke! Noudat hulle amper verseker is van 'n 4de plek nou kom hulle met hierdie voorstel! Dis blerrie lagwekkend man!
Hoe de hel kan jy hierdie kompetisie ernsitg opneem met al die wedstryde wat afgestel word? Nee ek stem, hulle moet maar kla en kerm en in die hoekie gaan sit en huil
Edited by Leeubok - 19-Nov-2020 at 6:56am |
Welpie Joined: 25-Mar-2019 Location: Midrand Status: Offline Points: 161 |
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Stem die hele ding dat Cheetahs teen Lions gestem het hulle lelik ingehaal! Cheetahs moet maar vrede maak dat al die rugby Unies teen hulle deelname in Pro14 gestem het alreeds. Daar was nie eers een unie insluitende die klein unies wat vir die Cheetahs gestem het nie.
Goue Leeu
Koning Leeu Joined: 18-Apr-2016 Status: Offline Points: 2219 |
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Dink dis maar net ou rugsteker Harold Verster wat desperate bokspringe maak. Die besluit is geneem en dis die regte besluit. 'n Paar Curriebeker trofees teen verswakte spanne dra eenvoudig nie water nie. Gaan kyk na die cheetahs se gebrek aan sukses in franchise rugby oor die laaste 30 jaar. Die vier spanne wat nou in is het in Super Rugby finale gespeel, bo-aan die punteleer geeindig, Super Rugby gewen ens. Oor die laaste 5 jaar was die Leeus by verre die beste franchise in Suid-Afrika. Jammer ou Verster maar julle redeneer soos die EFF!
Edited by Goue Leeu - 19-Nov-2020 at 11:07am |
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Pretoria Status: Offline Points: 2759 |
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Die jaar wat ons uit geskop was, het ons steeds die Semis gehaal van die Currie Cup en was die defending champions, maar dit het niks beteken nie, die besluit was reeds geneem.
Net soos die besluit reeds hier geneem is, dit is jammer dat iemand wat reeds daar speel ontneem word op geen meriete nie, net soos die Kings ook ingesluit was op geen meriete. Edited by PaBz0r - 19-Nov-2020 at 11:39am |
Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: Bronkhorstsprui Status: Offline Points: 2162 |
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Kyk in prinsiep dink ek dat die 4 spanne wat die Semi finale van die Curriebeker haal, elke jaar automaties moet kwalifiseer vir Pro 14. Dit sal bietjie betekenis aan die Curriebeker gee en verseker dat geen span "gemaklik" raak met hulle plekke nie.
Aan die ander kant, moet die Cheetahs maar vir hulle kry... Dit sou eintlik lekker gewees het as die Bulle, Leeus, Sharks en Pumas volgende jaar aan die Pro14 kon deelneem... Karma moet nog die WP ook inhaal vir hulle stem teen ons in 2012.
"Believe nothing, No matter where you read it, Or who has said it, Not even if I have said it, Unless it agrees with your own reason And your own common sense" - Buddha
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Boksburg Status: Offline Points: 2260 |
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Stem beste 4 spanne moet deur gaan, maar hierdie hele SR unlock is n joke.... Kan nie spanne benadeel oor covid ens.... Ek sien elke game wat die leeus deesdae speel as n practise Match....
So cheetahs jammer om van julle kak te hoor en ek wag vir karma vir die WP...
Edited by LeeuBrul - 19-Nov-2020 at 2:19pm |
Once a Lion always a lion
Jong Leeu Joined: 07-Apr-2016 Location: Struisbaai Status: Offline Points: 387 |
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WP het vroeer jare karma gehad toe hulle nie S10 kon speel nie. Tvl het toe teen hulle gestem
Admin Group Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Status: Offline Points: 39968 |
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Nee daar was geen stemmery nie, daai tyd was die reel dat die top x spanne in die kompetisie speel en WP het buite die top x geeindig
Jong Leeu Joined: 07-Apr-2016 Location: Struisbaai Status: Offline Points: 387 |
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As hulle weer daai reel maak , sal die Leeus wragtag hul gat in rat moet kry.
Admin Group Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Status: Offline Points: 39968 |
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Is so, maar mens kan nie die reel opmaak as die huidige kompetisie net 1 rondte oor het om te speel nie, as jy so reel wil maak, maak dit aan die beginvan die kompetisie sodat almal weet wat op die spel is.
Jong Leeu Joined: 07-Apr-2016 Location: Struisbaai Status: Offline Points: 387 |
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Gaan hulle dit nie tot einde van CC maak nie? |
Admin Group Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Status: Offline Points: 39968 |
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Nee, ek dink dis maar net in die Cheetahs se drome
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1824 |
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Lees die hoof artikel van hierdie thread. Cheetahs praat van die SR Unlocked kompetisie se rangorde en dit is ook hoekom hulle dan noem van hul opkomende wedstryd teen die Griquas wat dan n "moet wen" is vir hulle en "n moeilike wedstryd" is. Hierdie is belaglik anyway, soos Transvaal sê, dit moes dan so besluit gewees het voor die kompetisie begin het sodat almal weet wat op die spel is en om die Cheetahs se eie woorde teen hulle te gebruik - "te veel tyd het al verstrek".
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: Bronkhorstsprui Status: Offline Points: 2162 |
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Maak die reel van toepassing van volgende jaar af... Ons kyk of die Cheetahs 'n jaar in die wildernis kan oorleef soos die leeus moes.
"Believe nothing, No matter where you read it, Or who has said it, Not even if I have said it, Unless it agrees with your own reason And your own common sense" - Buddha
Koning Leeu Joined: 02-Apr-2016 Location: ver van hier Status: Offline Points: 2681 |
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Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: KZN Status: Offline Points: 4954 |
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stel 'n reel in dat die SA span wat die laagste in Pro14 eindig 'n promosie relegasie "toernooi" moet speel teen die ander SA unies. ipv net 2 games teen die cheetahs, gee die pumas en ander ouens ook 'n kans. Kan selfs die CC daarvoor gebruik. Maar die ander 3 franchises behou hul plek en is veilig teen die relegasie.
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1824 |
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Ek dink dit is die beste voorstel dusver, anders gaan spanne wie se spelers vir die CC nie beskikbaar is moontlik op Pro16 dan uitmis al hey hulle dan goed gedoen of selfs dit gewen die vorige jaar. Ek dink dit sal goed wees as die Cheetahs, Pumas en Griquas die toernooi speel naby aan die einde van die Pro16 en dan speel die wenner van daardie toernooi 2 games teen die swakste SA span om te besluit wie die volgende jaar aan die Pro16 gaan deelneem.
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 13-Mar-2017 Status: Offline Points: 1050 |
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Nee wat die cheetahs was baie beter as die Kings gewees in die PRO14 kompetisie maar Leinster en daai spanne was paar Levels bo hulle, hulle was vir my maar average gewees selfs op hulle eie veld he hulle gesukkel teen meeste van die groter spanne
Jong Leeu Joined: 07-Apr-2016 Location: Struisbaai Status: Offline Points: 387 |
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Wat my hinder van die PRO14 is dat die ryk klubs net eenvoudig ons spelers steel.
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1824 |
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Maar selfs dan gaan ons ten minste ons spelers gereeld in aksie sien, of hulle vir ons spanne speel of ander spanne in dieselfde kompetisie.
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1824 |
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Pumas head coach Jimmy Stonehouse has poured cold water on suggestions that their Super Rugby Unlocked match against the Lions could be rescheduled to next week. The two sides were set to meet at Ellis Park in Johannesburg last weekend, before the Pumas returned three positive Covid-19 tests, which necessitated the quarantine of seven players in total. This also meant that the Pumas’ match against the Vodacom Bulls had to be rescheduled from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon, to give the Lowveld side enough time to complete their quarantine. Given that the Pumas were able to fulfil their duties and play the match, it has been understood that the Lions had mooted a Tuesday kick-off for their called-off match. However, speaking after his side’s 21-5 loss to the Bulls, Stonehouse said the Pumas simply won’t be able to fulfil the fixture. ‘It can’t be expected of a team like us to play three matches in eight days, it’s impossible,’ Stonehouse said. ‘People shouldn’t get me wrong, we want to play and say thanks to our fans and sponsors. But we need to be realistic. ‘The Lions sent correspondence asking if we’d be willing to play on Tuesday. But one must remember that they had a bye this week. Must we also wait for a bye week and then ask for a postponed game to be played? How will they then feel about having to play three games in essentially a week? ‘The answer will surely be no.’ Stonehouse added that he felt SA Rugby had made an error by declaring the disrupted fixtures as draws and instead favours a system whereby teams are awarded bonus-point victories if they are not affected by coronavirus. ‘If you asked me, the Lions should’ve been awarded five log points and us nothing. The Lions should’ve conceded the match points to the Cheetahs in that fixture. ‘With our preparations disrupted by eight players being unavailable before the Bulls game, can we play three days later? No. Rather give the log points. Nonetheless, SA Rugby has set a precedent with the two-points-each system. That’s how it will have to be applied going forward.’ |
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1824 |
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‘If you asked me, the Lions should’ve been awarded five log points and us nothing. The Lions should’ve conceded the match points to the Cheetahs in that fixture. ‘With our preparations disrupted by eight players being unavailable before the Bulls game, can we play three days later? No. Rather give the log points. Nonetheless, SA Rugby has set a precedent with the two-points-each system. That’s how it will have to be applied going forward.’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ek is nie heeltemaal teen hierdie voorstel en dit is hoe dit nou gedoen word in die Autumn International Series in die noorde. |
Go LIONS!!!!!
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