The Lions next play the Bulls at Ellis Park in the URC on 25 January 2025, kickoff is at 14:45 |
Lions in turmoil after players lose faith in Ivan |
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Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: Bronkhorstsprui Status: Offline Points: 2162 |
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Nee... Was deur die ander moeilike jare (2010 - 2013) altyd op... Het in Augustus 2021 na bevestig is Cash gaan bly besluit om alles weg te bere en myself nie meer op te werk oor die leeus nie... Topbestuur het obviously gewys hulle gee 'n duit om oor die leeus, so ek was klaar en het gese ek sal hulle weer begin ondersteun as Cash waai...
Hoekom moet ek hulle aanhou ondersteun, hulle "branded" goed koop en adverteer en my gesig op die stadion wys as hulle f all voel nie? Ek het seker maar op 'n manier gehoop dat daar ander is wat soos ek voel en die minder gesigte op die park en kleiner inkomste per maand hulle oe sal oopmaak....
"Believe nothing, No matter where you read it, Or who has said it, Not even if I have said it, Unless it agrees with your own reason And your own common sense" - Buddha
Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: Bronkhorstsprui Status: Offline Points: 2162 |
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2013 tot 2015 was imo ook glad nie "slegte" jare nie, ja ons het gebou en was nie die beste span nie, maar ons het week na week verbeter en dit was duidelik daar was 'n plan... Van 2019 af was dit baie duidelik dat ons GEEN plan het nie en maar net gelukkig was dat ons in 'n kompetisie kon speel...
"Believe nothing, No matter where you read it, Or who has said it, Not even if I have said it, Unless it agrees with your own reason And your own common sense" - Buddha
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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Ja, is waar. Kyk, 2013 was die jaar wat ons nie SR gespeel het nie en die promosie/relegasie games teen die Kings geskraap het met 2 punte met Ackers wat die span van scratch af moes bou nadat pretty much 80% van ons erkende spelers gewaai het. Maar selfs dan was daar n gevoel daar is iewers n plan. Daardie CC na die promosie het ons veral begin belowende rugby begin speel en van daar af was dit n goeie paar jaar tot 2019 se vinnige decline.
Edited by TunaLion - 22-Feb-2023 at 1:42pm |
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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Ek het steeds maar my Leeus truie en so wat ek af en toe dra en my Leeus koffie beker en ander random goedjies wat ek nog gebruik, maar ek sal nie sommer iets nuuts koop van die Leeus tot hulle begin wys hulle wil verbeter en hulle wil die franchise reg bestuur (soos die besigheid wat dit actually is).
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: Bronkhorstsprui Status: Offline Points: 2162 |
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Wel kom ons hoop Cash word gepos en Streauli doen die eerbare ding en bedank.... Ek mis nogal die park...
"Believe nothing, No matter where you read it, Or who has said it, Not even if I have said it, Unless it agrees with your own reason And your own common sense" - Buddha
Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: KZN Status: Offline Points: 4954 |
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Cash was baie lank by die unie, en sekerlik moes hy in daai tyd baie leer by die vorige hoof afrigters. So dit sou 'n baie nice "feel good story" wees as hy deur die leeu range kon opbeweeg en sukses behaal as hoof afrigter. Maar ongelukkig het hy heeltemal misluk, en al het die unie kamstig so baie in hom bele, moet hulle sekerlik besef dis tyd om die moeilike besluit te maak om hom te laat gaan
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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Ek is jammer, maar ek stry heeltemaal met daardie logika. Dit is soos om te sê ek gaan 'n goeie DB Admin maak net omdat ek gereeld met ons DB Admin moet werk en nou kan ek sommer as 'n DB Admin professioneel voltyds aangestel word net omdat ek hier en daar iets by hom geleer het oor DBs. Ek kan ook nie sê ekt myself dan al as profesionele DB Admin bewys nie as ek nog nie een was voorheen nie. Ja, ek praat hier van die IT bedryf waarin ek werk, maar verander die woorde "DB Admin" met "hoofafrigter" in my voorbeeld en presies dieselfde geld dan wat ek geskryf het.
Edited by TunaLion - 22-Feb-2023 at 9:53pm |
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: KZN Status: Offline Points: 4954 |
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Ek het nie gese hy moet automaties 'n goeie afrigter word net omdat hy lank by die unie was nie. Ek het gese dit sou 'n nice verhaal wees sou hy 'n goeie afrigter uitdraai...
Jong Leeu Joined: 07-Apr-2016 Location: Struisbaai Status: Offline Points: 387 |
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Sien Dobson het geteken tot 2027 vir minder as die Lions afrigter. Die een word Cash betaal en die ander n dop.
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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Dit sou ook nice wees as ek die Lotto kan wen, maar om besigheids besluit wat die langtermyn welstand van jou besigheid gaan bepaal te maak net om "nice te wees" en te "feel good" is malligheid. Veral as mens regtig omgee vir daardie besigheid en nie onnodig met baie mense se livelihoods wil gamble nie.
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 02-Apr-2016 Location: ver van hier Status: Offline Points: 2681 |
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So volgens die maatskappy wat die surveys gedoen het, is die berugte onakkuraat en buite konteks.
Koning Leeu Joined: 02-Apr-2016 Location: ver van hier Status: Offline Points: 2681 |
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JOINT MEDIA STATEMENT BY LIONS RUGBY COMPANY AND MYPLAYERSMyPlayers- The Rugby Players’ Organisation and the Lions Rugby Company recently met to discuss the roll-out and subsequent feedback process of their provincial Sport Psychological Fitness (SPF) assessment initiative conducted by MyPlayers at the Johannesburg-based franchise. These follows a series of media reports in the last week where certain aspects of the survey were made public. Lions Rugby Company CEO Rudolf Straeuli: “First of all, I would like state that we trust in the work MyPlayers is doing for professional players in South Africa. They form an integral part of our ecosystem within our rugby landscape.” “I have had the opportunity to go through the results of the group survey presented to me by MyPlayers and I am comfortable with the process. We both agreed that perhaps the feedback process could have been more consultative, but those are learnings which MyPlayers will take note of for similar exercises of this nature.” “It is unfortunate however that contents of the survey were maliciously leaked and has somewhat discredited a process which was in fact credible and professionally facilitated.” “We will now dive deeper into the feedback received and determined how best to address some the issues raised by players.” MyPlayers CEO Eugene Henning: “We would like to thank the Lions for their openness during this process and most importantly their willingness to explore solutions not only for their players but the South African rugby environment as a whole.” “We would further like to express that the information which landed in the media space this week was inaccurate and out of context. In fact, all individual assessment results remain confidential.” “While we are concerned about what has played out in the media over the last week pertaining the Sport Psychological Fitness (SPF) assessment survey conducted at the Lions, we believe that the integrity of the assessment remains intact and serves as an important guideline to professional clubs pertaining to player welfare.” PROUD SPONSORS OF THE EMIRATES LIONSEdited by valie - 26-Feb-2023 at 1:32pm |
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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So basies wat ek lees is dat die ratings nie akkuraat was nie, maar niks word genoem van die insidente wat vroeer oor berig was nie, soos die hotdogs en oefentruie, ens. Ons weet die oefentrui storie was akkuraat en ek glo ook die ander insidente het gebeur, veral as mens in ag neem dat Mustapha (die general manager) baie siek was daardie toer en toe ander mense sy werk moes probeer doen in sy plek, wat onder andere logistiese beplanning insluit.
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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*Team manager
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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Defence coach Jaque Fourie could reportedly opt out of his new deal with the Lions for an offer from a Japanese club.
According to Sunday newspaper Rapport, Fourie is receiving strong interest from the Far East, where the 2007 World Cup-winning Springbok played between 2011 and 2017. This, despite the 39-year-old having recently put pen to paper on a new two-year extension with the Lions. His current contract ends in October. News of Fourie’s extension followed questions over head coach Ivan van Rooyen’s future, and preceded an IOL report that a recent survey of the squad returned a disappointing appraisal of the Lions coaching and management team. Fourie, along with fellow assistant coach Albert van den Berg, received a passing grade of “between seven and eight out of 10”, while Van Rooyen scored a rating “between three and four”. |
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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Lyk of Jaque dalk gaan waai en nie meer dit kan uithou by ons amateurs nie
Edited by TunaLion - 26-Feb-2023 at 2:43pm |
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Pretoria Status: Offline Points: 2763 |
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Geld help ook gewoonlik..
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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Lol, dit is glad nie oor geld hierdie nie... Afrigters kry nie naby die geld wat spelers kry nie, so as ons wou kon ons sy offer beat, soos ons bewys met die Cash storie waar ons hom meer as Dobson aanbied. Weet nie hoekom almal net al ons probleme op geld wil blameer nie. As ek hy was, sou ek waai vir minder geld net om weg te kom van die tjommel by die Leeus en om by n professionele unie te werk en te leer.
Edited by TunaLion - 26-Feb-2023 at 11:38pm |
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Pretoria Status: Offline Points: 2763 |
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Wie weet, miskien het hy Cash se pos gesoek? Hy hernu se kontrak waar daar lankal probleme was.. hy wou dan al gewaai het voor dit, so hoekom nou eweskielik wil hy weer waai?
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Ellis Park Status: Offline Points: 1830 |
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Omdat hy uiteindelik n offer gekry het om iewers anders te werk? Dalk het hy al lankal terug aansoek gedoen vir die pos... Dit is als spekulasie, maar om bloot te sê dit is geld wat die rede is, is net so groot spekulasie....
Go LIONS!!!!!
Koning Leeu Joined: 31-Mar-2016 Location: KZN Status: Offline Points: 4954 |
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In daai media statement doen Rudolf presies wat hy gese het hy nie sal doen nie, vee dinge onder die mat in.
Admin Group Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Status: Online Points: 40025 |
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Ek het dieselfde idee gekry
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