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Bulle, Matfield onderhandel nog oor breierspos |
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Admin Group Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Status: Offline Points: 39968 |
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Posted: 06-Dec-2018 at 8:28pm |
Die Blou Bulle Maatskappy (BBM) en Victor Matfield onderhandel nog oor ’n paar kwessies, wat meebring dat die voormalige Springbok-slot op die vroegste eers volgende week as die Bulle se nuwe hoofafrigter aangewys sal word. Daar is aanvanklik gehoop dat John Mitchell se opvolger aan die begin van Desember by Loftus Versfeld sy opwagting sou maak, maar Matfield sal in alle waarskynlikheid eers in Januarie sy planne vir 2019 se Superreeks in werking kan stel. Na verneem word, is daar ’n paar “kwessies” in Matfield se kontrak wat uitgepluis moet word. Die aard van die kwessies is glo nie sodanig dat onderhandelings tussen die partye skipbreuk sal ly nie. Dit vertraag wel die maatskappy se planne om Matfield as die franchise se nuwe hoofafrigter bekend te stel. Dit blyk intussen dat die Bulle nie van plan is om ’n direkteur van afrigting aan te stel nie. Mitchell, wat hom vroeër dié seisoen as ’n hulpafrigter by Engeland se nasionale span aangesluit het, is verlede jaar as die Bulle se hoof van rugby én hoofafrigter gekontrakteer. Luidens ’n berig in Rapport is Alan Zondagh, ’n oudbreier van die Westelike Provinsie, bestem om die Bulle se direkteur van afrigting te word. Die beleggingsmaatskappy Remgro, wat ’n 50%-belang in die BBM het, is volgens inligting ten gunste daarvan dat iemand met Zondagh se ervaring Matfield bystaan. Daar word by Loftus verneem daar is planne om Zondagh te betrek, maar hy sal net deeltyds uithelp en daar is nie ’n pos vir Mitchell se hoof van rugby nie. Willem Strauss, president van die Blou Bulle Rugbyunie (BBRU) en voorsitter van die Bulle se direksie, sê daar sal duidelikheid kom oor moontlike rolspelers en hulpafrigters nadat die nuwe hoofafrigter se aanstelling bekragtig is. “Ek kan in dié stadium niks meer oor die proses sê nie.” Daar sal ook eers ná Matfield se aanstelling besluit word tot watter mate die Springbok-afrigter, Rassie Erasmus, by die span se Superrugby-voorbereiding betrokke sal wees. Erasmus het vroeër die seisoen sy hulp aangebied, sou die Bulle ná Mitchell se bedanking in September ’n krisis hê met die span se voorbereiding. Die 41-jarige Matfield, wat die Bulle aangevoer het in die span se goue era sowat ’n dekade gelede, sal die span se vierde Superrugby-breier in vyf seisoene wees. |
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Roodepoort Status: Offline Points: 2004 |
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And so the circus in Pretoria carries on.
Admin Group Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Status: Offline Points: 39968 |
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I think it's very risky to appoint a guy as a Super Rugby coach that basically has never coached before. He also obviously didn't really fit in by us in the one season that he consulted with us.
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Roodepoort Status: Offline Points: 2004 |
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I agree. Even if he has FDP as an assistant, its a huge risk. And will he listen to advice from Zondagh? I foresee a world of pain for Bulls supporters next year. But I may be mistaken, and it could be a masterstroke by the Bulls management to appoint him. But as you said he didn't really fit in as a consultant, and our forwards in that season looked a bit under coached.
Koning Leeu Joined: 02-Apr-2016 Location: ver van hier Status: Offline Points: 2681 |
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I, on the other hand, am not so sure that this is a bad move from the bulls. Yes, he doesnt have a lot of experience as coach, neither did Ackers when he was appointed as Mitchells deputy back then.
Matfield has more rugby experience at the highest level, than most other people in the world. He understands team dynamics, and he understands the culture at the Bulls. He also knows what it takes to win a SR final - something Ackers obviously didn't. With an experienced coach like Zondach to guide him, and one of the most tactical astute players to have ever played the game in FDP as his assistand (should he get the nod of course), I'd say it might just be a little early to write them off yet. Oh and dont judge Matfield on the little time he spent consulting at the Lions.
Koning Leeu Joined: 30-Mar-2016 Location: Roodepoort Status: Offline Points: 2004 |
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Matfield will not have a heck of a long time in pre season with his players. He has a lot of work to do, just to make the Bulls competitive. The players are talented, but have a legacy of losing over the last few years. That is a mental block he will have to overcome. Add to that the different coaching philosophies they have experienced as well. Not a good combo for an inexperienced coach.
Koning Leeu Joined: 02-Apr-2016 Location: ver van hier Status: Offline Points: 2681 |
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Yeah I hear you, although I don't think he will change too much about their attack, maybe just to reduce silly mistakes, and defend better. He will definitely not turn the union around in 1 year. I'd say it will take between 3 and 5 seasons for them to become serious contenders again.
They have the same problem we had a couple of years ago - 5 coaches in 6 years. In rugby continuity is very important. But that all said, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.
Koning Leeu Joined: 03-Apr-2016 Status: Offline Points: 1166 |
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Die verskil is die leeus het nie eenskalp skielik begin finals haal nie . Ons het jaar op jaar verbeter . daar was groot verwagtininge by die sharks ook toe hulle klomp spelers gekoop het en jack white het oorgevat . As die verwagting is dat alles eensklap gaan verander sal daar baie teleurstelling wees
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